Thread: Labret...
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Old 01-19-2004   #26
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Originally posted by [Labret]@Jan 19 2004, 06:48 PM
Sooner or later you are going to realize that I am basically a borderline sociopath. Your feelings, your thoughts, your desires, are all utterly meaningless to me on a personal level. Anything you have said, and anything you will say regarding me, is a fruitless endeavour if the desired effect of your barely coherent rantings are to somehow affect me in any sort of negative way... as in hurt my feelings or attempt to make me feel stupid. It wont happen, it cannot happen, esp given the sources of the criticism. An immigrant, a hick, a poor excuse for a mother, and other assorted unknown ignorant riff-raff. I hate to use the term mother as it insinuates that person is a nurturer, but I digress.

So please, continue. Your rantings bring me joy. And on the flipside, your ranting brings you and your ilk joy. Why we have to cover this win/win situation every 3 days is beyond me, but I am getting used to having to repeat things to you several times. I suspect in a couple of days we will cover this again.

Although I must admit GFY posed more of a challenge than the three main detractors that this board has been reduced to.
Oooh - started REAL early today with your attempts at explaining your actions.

You sure spent a lot of time trying to convince yourself you don't care.
ICQ# 36734533
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