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Old 01-18-2004   #122
Eternal Newbie
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Originally posted by [Labret]@Jan 18 2004, 09:04 PM

My god you actually LIVE in that hole?
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and thought that it was a picture you snapped in some cheap-ass hotel in Amsterdam.

Oh by the way, the word you were looking for was not foresight, it was forethought.
Ahhh look who comes rambling along to play with the scraps.

You smoke while pregnant. Your opinion is about as valid as your parenting skills. You are barely human to me. If there is a God, he/she/it will take you soon.

Have fun with your premie, if it lives that is.

Act of looking forward.


As you make stupid comments without any obvious foresight
See how that works? Both words could have worked, but I feel dirty even responding to you. Please refrain from speaking to me in the future. The rest of the idiots I can tolerate, your utter lack of regard for your unborn child leaves me cold and I seriously hope you pay for the karmic debt you are racking up. Hopefully in a painful manner.

Piece of shit.
Admittance of a serious emotional response to someone posting in response to you.

You are weak and pathetic. A child wrapped in the fatty carcass of an adult who constantly screams for attention and acceptance, and cannot stand to have anything he says questioned.

Ever studied anything about id and superego? You are such a classic case that it's hysterical.
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