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Old 12-04-2003   #131
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 123

I must agree with you there Carrie. There seem to be certain people here that believe themselves to be super intelligent, and are above everyone else, including needy children who didn't ask to be brought into this world with sickos like that. Who don't understand why they haven't eaten for a few days, why Tommy down the road has new shoes and his have been patched and glued together for the past 5 damn years. It doesn't matter that these kids don't understand why Santa is going to every house on the block but theirs. These people are too wrapped up in their own self image and vanity to give a shit about anyone else, especially children they don't know, or will probably never meet.

Quote, bitch, bash all you want. However, the reason for this thread was to try and give something to these children that they otherwise won't have. I would say think of someone else beside yourself for a change, but that would completely go unheard and laughed at because that's something you just don't do.

Please, help needy children this holiday season. If not these ones, then help someone in your own community or town. Remember, these kids didn't ask for this shit, it was the deck that was dealt them. They do not choose this, but by god they have to live it.

Get it at Pleasurelabs

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