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Old 12-03-2003   #68
Prostate Examiner
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nice try of
"Devide and conquer" has a major flaw.

You haven't achieved anything in your life,
you weren't even capable of making revolution on GFY,
and you think you'll cause an uprising of Oprano, where the average IQ is 37 points higher?
oh my, delusion of grandeur at it's best

The best you can hope for is to achieve Mao's effect:
"The riffle unites the Nation" and you are doing oine heck of a job uniting Oprano

Beats the shit out of me how you don't see that????

oh well,
glad you made provisions to have internet connection in OIreland and be with us 'till our end

"4 One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever. "
just like Oprano
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