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Old 12-03-2003   #48
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 1,159


The forces that shape human evolution are available to anyone who observes it. It is not something that you have to learn in school and you certainly have not offered up anything that has not been offered before.
Learning human evolution outside of school. Riiiight. I am sure everyone can come up with theories of australopithecine evolution just from grocery shopping.

As for offering up anything that has not been offered before, I have yet to see a thread on here regarding any aspect of human evolution. Probably as none of you have ever studied it outside of the Bible or what you came across when your remote got stuck on the discovery channel one lonely saturday in June.


It must be lonely being so smart with no one to share it with.
I am surrounded by hundreds of them daily. Has anyone here ever drove by a college campus on the way to WalMart? There are really people in those big scary buildings with all those books.


film / sell bestiality to make lots of money in the capitalist US system you despise
study sociology and what not
use your knowledge to whine and complain and belittle people
exit the "sick fucking world" by going to Ireland and heading east
Yeah, selling goods only exists in capitalist countries. Thank you America.

I'll sell whatever I can to achieve my goals, I havent dealt in beast in some time. Now I produce gay porn, give the deviants what they want. I am not down on capitalism, I am down on what you mongoloids have done with it. All the money in the world and you dipshits have zero common sense.

Whine and complain? The only whining I see is you. From now on, dont respond to me or ask me questions if you dont want an explanation that you and your ilk will not like. Pretty simple uh?


All I can say is you are not as smart as you think you are.
Your opinion matters much to me.

Last edited by [Labret] at Dec 3 2003, 12:21 PM
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