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Old 12-03-2003   #43
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 1,248

You fail to believe that I am more cognizant of the forces and undercurrents that have shaped human evolution and culture than your average walmart shopper?
I am not, nor are most ppl on this board, your average walmart shopper.

The forces that shape human evolution are available to anyone who observes it. It is not something that you have to learn in school and you certainly have not offered up anything that has not been offered before.

I have perspective that most of you lack (that is an understatement). I stand above it all, picking it apart piece by piece, placing it within its historical perspective, nothing but aware of the influences that guide and dictate your daily existence.
It must be great to be you, the all knowing one. Surely, there can be no other.

It must be lonely being so smart with no one to share it with.

You all just stumblefuck through life, oblivious to everything I have mentioned above. You have zero perspective outside your little ego stroking consumer world. Nor do you want to understand. Nor can you understand.
I hope for your sake that your superiority complex is merely a ploy to get a rise out of ppl.

As far as I can tell, the biggest difference between you and most of the ppl at Oprano are:

1) they don't think they are the only smart mother fucker in the bunch

2) they choose to deal with reality differently

For instance, your strategy seems to be:

film / sell bestiality to make lots of money in the capitalist US system you despise
study sociology and what not
use your knowledge to whine and complain and belittle people
exit the "sick fucking world" by going to Ireland and heading east

All I can say is you are not as smart as you think you are.
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