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Old 12-03-2003   #28
Join Date: Sep 2003
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Originally posted by wig@Dec 3 2003, 11:34 AM

How do you separate yourself from it?

You use phrases like "your society" and "your sick fucking world". How are you above this?

You are neck deep in it just like everyone else.

Who is more ignorant?
You fail to believe that I am more cognizant of the forces and undercurrents that have shaped human evolution and culture than your average walmart shopper?

I have perspective that most of you lack (that is an understatement). I stand above it all, picking it apart piece by piece, placing it within its historical perspective, nothing but aware of the influences that guide and dictate your daily existence. Life does not mean the same thing to me as it does to you.

You all just stumblefuck through life, oblivious to everything I have mentioned above. You have zero perspective outside your little ego stroking consumer world. Nor do you want to understand. Nor can you understand.

Its all about perspective.
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