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Old 12-02-2003   #93
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Originally posted by [Labret]@Dec 2 2003, 11:33 AM
For example, I am working on my masters (one step before phd). In May, god willing, I will be standing before 3 phds who have all read my thesis. They are going to proceed to tear me a new asshole if they see any problem at all, and they will force me to defend every single statement I make in my thesis. If I was dumb enough to make something up, it will be caught, and it will destroy me academically.
LOL!! When my brother did his dissertation for his doctorate, he was sweating bullets before he presented it. He basically disappeared for 3 months to write it. He said he went before whatever it is you go before (this was several years ago, I forget what it's called. If you're really interested, I can dig through old emails and tell you), they asked him just a couple of questions, and that was it! :P He was amazed at how little care they seemed to pay attention to it. This was at the University of Minnesota, not Duke, BTW.

Obviously not everything which is taught in schools (any school) is falsified, fudged, created etc. I never said that. But there ARE professors who will spew incorrect information, usually because they themselves think it's 100% correct. Even my own son challenged a professor in college and the professor was proven wrong - it happens.
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