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Old 12-02-2003   #84
Join Date: Sep 2003
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If you think for one minute that "facts" aren't created in academia, you're kidding yourself. My brother just left his post doctorate "position" (I put that in quotes because it only paid $35K a year and HE was responsible for the almost 100 hours he put into filling out the paperwork for his grant request which paid that $35K) at Duke in genetics because of what he saw once he reached the "lofty levels". And he was dealing with MEDICAL studies which were fudged. If you think the same can't be done by a teacher dealing with prison populations, you truly aren't as smart as you think you are. Again, I would never trust ONE PERSON as a source for any information.

BTW, no, I don't have a college degree (went two years but then got married and became a housewife) but I'm the ONLY one in my family for 4 generations who doesn't have a degree and most have masters and/or PhD's. I've been around "educated" people all my life and I can assure you, there's a lot to be said for plain common sense and not everyone who's formally educated, has it.

God its like beating my head against a fucking wall. Listen, we are all well aware how statistics are manipulated and created, in fact, we are required to take courses in statistics and methods of social research in order to learn to how to deal with such matters. Trust me, I am sure my knowledge of means of gathering and manipulating data sets is far above average and as a result I know which statistics I can accept and which ones I should be suspect.

I will say this one more time. Checks and fucking balances. I know you probably like to think its just a bunch of yes men standing around, circle jerking each other and making shit up without a care in the world, but your accusation that "facts" are just "created" in academia is so utterly absurd that I almost want to disregard your post and not respond. Evidently nothing I have said has sunk in. Academia works in such a way that one CANNOT just make shit up.

For example, I am working on my masters (one step before phd). In May, god willing, I will be standing before 3 phds who have all read my thesis. They are going to proceed to tear me a new asshole if they see any problem at all, and they will force me to defend every single statement I make in my thesis. If I was dumb enough to make something up, it will be caught, and it will destroy me academically.

Just look at academia as a big message board of pissers. Would anyone on here be allowed to make something up and not get called on it by someone else on here? Very very doubtful.

Last edited by [Labret] at Dec 2 2003, 07:34 AM
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