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Old 12-02-2003   #67
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 1,159


It's a matter of intelligence and education. Someone further down tried to make the point that most universities are liberal; therefore Liberals are better educated. Sorry, that's NOT education, it's indoctrination...most of the people coming out of those places cannot read, write, or spell above jr. high school levels.
Jesus, what a load of horse shit. What never fails to amaze me is those of you who have never even attended any secondary education like to incessantly comment about what it is, what it requires, and what it produces.


Think about the way Libs want to do up enough to see what their agenda is. I have. I also was watching when Kruschev was shouting, "We'll bury you!". The USSR is dead; but the philosophy lives on...China, Viet Nam, France, Berkely, the DNC, etc.
France, Berkely, and the DNC are "communist"? Holy shit, turn off Fox news for a day.


My point is that Conservatives look at things logically; and Libs look emotionally. The aforementioned philosophy fits their way of doing things to a "T". Problem is, countries trying it are doomed. It sounds great; but sooner or later, there is no one left to pay the bills. Then, if the country can't coerce money out of other countries, the same thing happens that happened to the USSR.
Ahh yes, the icing on your mongoloid cupcake... "conservatives look at things logically". Hillbilly logic perhaps. Wrong, conservatives are largerly uneducated reactionary idealogues. Conservatives love the silver bullet approach to problem solving. I am neck deep in studying the penal harm movement right now, and it is a glowing example of "conservative logic". And as a result, we now incarcerate more of our own citizens than any other nation in the world. California alone incarcerates more people than all of Europe's prisons combined. We now incarcerate more people per 100k of population than the Soviet Union did. And we liberated the people of Iraq? But I digress. Conservatives love mandatory minimums, 3 strikes laws, penal harm, elimination of parole, etc etc. And as a result the land of the free now holds the dubious position of kings of global incarceration. That is conservative logic in action.

You will try and argue that the war on porn by Ashcroft is a result of a "logical" conclusion? Please do, I want to hear it.


Problem is, countries trying it are doomed
Humor me and show me the countries that have attempted true communism as Marx outlined. There are no true communist countries, never have been. Typical reactionary hillbilly rhetoric. People attempting communism were viewed as such a threat to the United States that we spent the better part of the 20th century attempting to crush it wherever it reared its ugly ugly head. Sorta kinda hard to flourish with the United States trying to kick your ass wherever the people rise up. Why did the US feel communism was such a threat? Put down the Coulter and step away from the tv slowly. I am amazed any country that deviates from true unfettered American style capitalism manages to feed its people.

How do all these socialist countries around the world do it? After all, socialism is merely the intermediate between communism and capitalism.

Last edited by [Labret] at Dec 2 2003, 06:33 AM
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