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Old 12-01-2003   #43
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Originally posted by FATPad@Dec 1 2003, 05:21 PM
The only one in there I agree with is the healthcare.

And I know it makes me a commy. But I do think in the richest country in the world, people should be able to get reasonable quality healthcare at any time.
But why should someone else pay for it? Why should there be laws that say I have to pay for my employee's health insurance? And if I have to, then where are the laws that say my employees have to take care of their own health by not over eating, smoking, etc.?

Top notch healthcare is available to every citizen AND illegal alien in the US. There are laws which prevent ANYONE standing on US soil to be denied life saving medical treatment.

However, go to a public hospital some night and see the people sitting in the ER waiting room with minor problems. It will cost a minimum of $400 to the taxpayers when the patient could have gone to a clinic for $15. But the ER is free, so they go there. I have no pity for those people, sorry.
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