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Old 12-01-2003   #32
Diamond Jim
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 435

Originally posted by Peaches@Dec 1 2003, 03:34 PM
Except for PD , liberals tend to be young. As they age and get more life experience, many become more conservative. I've watched it happen with myself and each of my 4 siblings, including their spouses. I've rarely seen anyone go from being conservative to being a liberal. I'm sure it exists, but it nothing I've personally witnessed.
See, I am the opposite, Peaches. Not in belief structure, but in the practical applications. I have had to modify my philosophy to be realistic, rather than ideal.

Take a subset of Buff's point...

Philosophically, I am opposed to the notion of welfare in ANY form. You can't hold a job, earn a living, whatever.....too fucking bad. Starve. I fail to see why MY money is confiscated to pay for someone else's life. I don't recognize the morals that say I owe something to someone I've never met and will never know. However, the philosophical ideal of that is different than the practical reality of dealing with the entity who won't earn his way. He's here, so what we do with him?

I can agree with some liberal mindsets that our best alternative is to do some of the things they do. What I can't agree with or fathom the conclusion some liberals come to, is the philosophy that we REALLY DO owe people we've never met, don't care about, have no relation to, etc....

Dealing with practical reality and BELIEVING in something are completely different things.
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