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Old 12-01-2003   #202
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Houston, TX
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Quotes are getting too long...

Yeah, to one who considers the guy a common criminal, those might apply; BUT he is not a common criminal. He is an enemy spy/combatant; and as such is dealt with in a different system.

As for Mousawi (sp?), unfortunately, he was placed into the civilian system. Once in that system, he is subject to things like grand juries, etc. Did you know that information obtained by a grand jury is absolutely inviolate? You can go to prison for revealing it.

If you truly are a Libertarian, how would you be dealing with a situation such as this. If you don't have an answer, then your criticism should be considered as destructive, not constructive. I know, you don't believe that anyone other than yourself should presume to judge your statements, right? Maybe you are closer to Liberal than you think...
Why me? Why always me?
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