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Old 11-26-2003   #2
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 17

Anything other than straight missionary sex is considered punishable under military law....which is kind of odd because the majority of the swingers i have met come from the military. Personally i think it's dumb and that the military should spend their efforts on something a little more important. I saw several people get busted for "sexual misconduct" (is there such a thing??) in the military. I'm just glad I wasn't one of them.

This Chaplain Yee at Guantanamo...I'm thinking the military is more concerned with the pornography stored on a government computer than they are the adultry. (According to an article I read at CNN). Actually, my own personal belief is that once they found out he was innocent of espionage, they had to find something else to bust him on to justify holding him in the first place. I'm sure they did some serious digging on him just to come up with these charges.

But then...that's just MHO.
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