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Old 11-25-2003   #31
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Labret you may be the most ignorant person on the face of the earth

When bested you still try to sidestep and deflect the issue

Why don't you just admit it?

Although all punk rock bands might be related to each other, some are directly related to The Clash. The most well known bands are: Ramones, Sex Pistols and Rancid. Ramones and Sex Pistols were not influenced by The Clash's sound, since The Clash appeared later in the music scene, but they make part of the roots of punk rock. The first punk rock band is told to be the Ramones. There were other bands that appeared first, but only the Ramones had the punk qualities altogether to become the first one. As Joe Strummer said once, Ramones' first album (released in 1976) was the only punk rock album they had by that time until The Clash and Sex Pistols came.

The Ramones are the first punk rock band. There were other bands, such as the Stooges and the New York Dolls, that came before them and set the stage and aesthetic for punk and bands that immediately followed, such as the Sex Pistols, that made the latent violence of the music more explicit, but the Ramones crystallized the musical ideals of the genre. By cutting rock & roll down to its bare essentials -- four chords, a simple, catchy melody, and irresistably inane lyrics -- speeding up the tempo considerably, the Ramones created something that was rooted in early '60s, pre-Beatles rock & roll and pop but sounded revolutionary.

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