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Old 11-25-2003   #6
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 339

I made a lot of money from a 900 line for Freaks to call in and record anything they wanted. Freaky messages were encouraged. We then put the freakiest messages recorded on line for everyone calling in to hear after they made their message.

We advertised on MTV with the pitch now you can be a national Freak Phone Star. It was the craziest commercial on TV at the time.

You would not believe how many people called that number. The call counts blew me away more than any other program I've ever created and produced. We even got fan mail, with people seriously asking how to become a freak, pictures of themselves all freaked out, and weird shit like that.

Let me tell you, there are a lot of very freaky people in America.

Provide them a Forum, and they shall appear. LOL

Last edited by KRL at Nov 25 2003, 05:13 PM

Quick Buck "Value and buy domains not for what they did yesterday or today, but rather for what they can be built to do in the future."
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