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Old 11-25-2003   #32
Diamond Jim
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 435

Originally posted by [Labret]@Nov 25 2003, 03:40 PM
I think you got me all wrong.

I fully accept the consequence of my shit talking, I just try and avoid such things as a good server rooting. Hell yeah I would hate to have my servers blown up. If anyone wants to attempt to smack me around at a con, have at it. I extended the invitation at the last one I went to.

No matter how much shit any of you give me, I would never resort to vandalizing your shit. And its not like its difficult to find a russian script kiddie to reak havoc for a minimal investment and leave my hands nice and clean. If I let you get to me to the point where I would do such a thing then you win, and I would never let any of you have that sort of control over me.
I don't have you wrong at all...

I am a sociologist-gist. I study those who study sociology. In fact, I am an omnitologist....

I grew up surrounded by academia. My father has 2 PhD's and my mother has 1. Both sets of biological grandparents and their successive spouses had PhD's. My father has been considered one of the leading professors in his field for 20 years. My parents entertained the intelligentsia at our home for decades. Imagine their disgust when I dropped out of school in the ninth grade...

I've seen this behavior before, and it's all very entertaining, despite the many contradictions (on all sides)...

By all means, continue, sir....I am beginning to enjoy it thoroughly..

P.S. Sorry for any delayed responses. I am having multiple meetings....
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