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Old 11-24-2003   #140
Join Date: Sep 2003
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Originally posted by Vick@Nov 24 2003, 06:24 AM


Actually almost any statement but let's go with

You're narrow minded and ignorant. Hiding behind a supposed education and keeping yourself immersed in academia because you can't cope in or with a real world.
Fine, I will cover this again. Reading comprehension does not appear to be your strong point. Try and follow along this time.

Immersed in academia because I fear the real world.

As if you have even the slightest inkling what a life in academia requires. Like it is just some fantasy world where we lock ourselves in small rooms with little or no human contact? For the last time, I study people. Psychologists study the mind, physicians study the body, we study culture. How many psychiatrists and physicians you know that do not deal with the subject matter on a daily basis? Why would my field be any different? Does this make any sense at all to you? Would you say that psychiatrists and physicians are just hiding from this "real world" idea that you posit? What is this real world you keep blathering about? And fear the real world? I find your world fascinating, so much so I choose to spend my life studying why it even exists and how and why it functions. Your ignorant ass does not even give these things a second thought, yet I am the one living in fear?

Why even debate what academia is with me when you have absolutely no idea what it even requires? Humor me and tell me what my day involves.


As you cry of your supposed superiority you expose your feelings of inferiority
I am surrounded by people that dwarf me intellectually on a daily basis. Its the nature of the beast. I do not brow beat them for being smarter than me, instead I strive to be like them and learn from them. I pay a lot for this type of abuse. It makes me stronger. You fear and loathe those smarter than you, I respect them. Inferiority, you know it well.


Can we hear about your childhood? Were you abandoned or had feeling of abandonment?
Totally boring and uneventfull. Parents married 34 years so far, 2 sisters, no abuse, no drugs. Raised in both a rural and urban environments. Father blue collar shipyard worker, mom a typical housewife. Anything else?


and one day let's start a new thread just for music discussion
Trust me, if Pink Floyd is the pinnacle for you, you will have no idea what the hell I will even be talking about.


You've already admitted you're narrow minded
You have no idea just how narrow minded I am. It is staggering.
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