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Old 11-24-2003   #23
Payserve SUX
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Originally posted by [Labret]@Nov 24 2003, 04:35 AM

Complete indifference is all Labret could squeeze out of me.
3 posts all in a row about little ol indifferent me.

You goofy bastard, who are you kidding?

Anywho, I wake up and it is still the same boo hoo'ing that was going on when I went to bed. Its funny, I am still overwhelmingly labeled an unintelligent fool by the Oprano short bus riders association, yet nobody will explain precisely why.

Because I dont like Americans? Because I will call a spade a spade? My dislike for marriage and children? Because my doormat is an Israeli flag?

I ask for debate and all I get is crying. This is all the Oprano literati could come up with? Oprano has really let me down.
Your posts, your avatar seem to be designed ti illicit(sp) offense. That is an unintelligent way to state your opinions.

Oprano literati
Probably closer to Illuminati

State your opinions without name calling and you may possibly pass as someone with an education AND intelligence.

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