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Old 11-24-2003   #115
Payserve SUX
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I think parents should stop behaving like they have achieved something special by giving birth & should stop expecting to be congratulated because they buy nappies & take kids to soccer practice when it was their choice to put penis in vagina in the first place ...
I totally agree with this statement
I think that A LOT of children are accidents and that those parents do their best to pretend that its what they wanted out of life all along and then later in life become resentful towards their children for preventing them from achieving their goals ...
Both of my boys were not planned. So i guess that makes them 'accidents' by some peoples standards. I can say with all honesty that for me, both were happy accidents if accidents at all. & as for being resentful towards children later in life? I cannot comprehend such a thing. There are a lot of people that one could be resentful towards for an unhappy life, but ones own quote Princess Bride
I think a lot of people become parents to make up for their own failures & end up creating children who are even more fucked up than they are ...
hahaha spaz<-------------- living proof that this argument is WRONG, at least as far as it applies to me. I was the most fucked up person I knew when my first son was born. I graduated HS, barely, got out of the USMC, and was digging ditches for a living (anyone remember the old saying 'things could be worse. I could be diging ditches for a living.'? well I was. For $4.35 an hour this was 14 years ago). I was uneducated, ignorant, self centered and all in all a complete waste of flesh. waiting to die in an industrial accident or something. The moment my first son was born everything changed. It was a flash. I openly weeped in public. It was overwhelming, that feeling I felt. For the first time in my entire stinking life I knew what responsibility was. It changed me for the better. Did I g on to collegeand better my education? Nope, hard reality was I wouldnt have been able to afford it before my son was born, that certainly didnt change after I had him. But, in a flash I decided that this child would NOT share the same fate as his father. And thus far, he has had the success in school that I never had. And grades are extremely important in this house. I credit my having kids with the successes I have had since his birth because it is the drive I have to provide better for my family that happily inspires me to achieve more. That ditch digger has his days of a 6 firgure income. I dont have that now, but I and my wife (whom I have been married to going on 17 years) are hard at work trying to achieve it again. Not all that easy to do when your only a couple of high school grads surrounded by the 'best & brightest' of their generations, but we dont do so bad.
Kids are not for everyone. Everyone has heard the wicked stepmother routine, or the stoies of people who abuse their kids. If someone truely feels that having children is not for them, then I for one respect that, even if I am unable, due to the positive influences it has had in my life, to understand their descision. But referring to children as a cancer like Labret did. is wrong. I am not angered by what he said, not at all, but I have always viewed anyone whose sole intent is to offend to be an intellectual inferior to myself. & I am a lowly high school grad of the American public school system. Intelligent conversation is meant to enlighten, not anger. Ican passionately debate my point of view without trying to offend the person who disagrees with me. Offending doesnt show intellect, IT shows laziness.

spaz <-----------proud to be a fat lazy American
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