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Old 11-23-2003   #94
Eternal Newbie
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Originally posted by [Labret]@Nov 23 2003, 05:58 PM
Real life uh? What might that be? Slow financial and emotional suicide with a wife and kids? A mountain of credit card debt, a shitty job, residing in a cultural and intellectual vacuum with the likes of you?
Labret you're right in a way, but you're also very far-off from the truth.
It *can* be what you've said above. And some days it feels like it. But everything is a choice and no one has to settle for a mediocre job or saddle themselves with credit card debt or even live in a smothering suburban hellhole.

The family thing, though - really, what is the use of everything you have when you've no one to share it with? No one to pass on your knowledge to?

I've been there. Where you are, and where I am. The hellhole that you think family life is. I've been single, planning on pretty much being a student for the rest of my life. Alone and disdainful.

I've been stuck in a hellhole with a person who thought the best he could do was to get a supervisory position at the dusty box he worked at. We riddled ourselves with debt that it took me 10 years to get rid of.

And now I'm here - no debt whatsoever. My home is paid for. My minivan is paid for. The only bills I have are for utilities and food. Two kids and another on the way. A husband who is devoted to me, and I to him - even though there are times when we could kill each other.

And I tell you with all honesty and the experience of what you are now... this is better. So much better. One day you'll wake up and you'll realize that. All of the money in the world, all of the knowledge in the world... it's nothing when you're alone and lonely.

Maybe when you leave and you're not so focused on finishing your degree it will just hit you. Unexpected and so strong it will totally rip you off of your feet.
I just hope that when it does, you'll embrace it - and her. For your own sake.

No one wants to be old and alone, no matter how strong they think they are.
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