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Old 11-23-2003   #93
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[labert] usually has something worth reading though, even if you don't agree. Just because someone has a different perspective on things doesn't necessarily mean they are wrong. It just means they are different.
First of all, there must be sufficient wheat IN the chaff to make separating it worthwhile. Upon occasion I have seen some signs of intelligent life in his posts. However, most are simply sanctimious "hipper than thou" (or smarter than thou, or more educated that thou, or I am more "all that" than thou). It didn't take long reading his drivel on GFY to learn that it just wasn't worth it. He, like a couple of others, has shown me nothing different over here.

As far as the whole "different perspective on things" goes, I agree with that up to a point. However, it doesn't apply here. He didn't say "I don't want a wife and kids because I wouldn't treat them right." He described children as a cancer that no one really wants. Now, you can sugar coat that all you want, but operating under the non-academic (but time tested) "it looks like shit and it smells like shit" method, I, for one, need no greater empirical proof that it is, in fact, fecal matter.

Regarding the issue that started the thread off - I don't care much to see ANY flag (except those that have taken up arms against the United States and its constitution) burned. Unlike Vick, I don't think has avatar is an attempt to make any kind of statement whatsoever. I think it’s a blatant attempt to annoy people, pure and simple - kind of a "spitball on the blackboard while the teacher is writing on it" action.

The simple fact of the matter is, for all his contempt for the "sheep" (regular folks) that he expresses, on the boards he plays such a stereotypical example of the elitist embittered academic that he probably couldn't get a role in a sitcom on the Fox network.
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