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Old 11-23-2003   #103
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: NYC
Posts: 217

labrat i dont think anyone is faulting you for wanting to leave america. i think the way you stated your wants left a few set off. however you cannot ever forget where you came from and the freedoms that your ancestors and others who had family fight in wars afforded you, should never be taken for granted.

for example, you state you are an academic (professional student is more like it) and i think you need to remember how and why that freedom was given to you (of which you take slight advantage of). i say take advantage because unless you are going to do something in your field of education, you are nothing more then pro. student riding the system for no gain at all; i cannot understand those who go through every step of education with no real outcome (most people get an education and advanced education for a better job with better pay). most of us in the adult business have at least a college degree (at least most that i have spoken with) and at some point, the degree is beneficial but then work experience and real life problems/situations kicks in and that is something no college experience can ever give a person.

you state your money is in mutual funds. remember the people who gave you the ability to make that money and the ability to invest it.

there is a reason that people from other countries, to this day, still want to be in this country (and i think this country is at the worst it has ever been).
i think it's great that you want to experience a new way of life however, the life you have now is the reason you want to experience more. imagine living in communist russia or germany back in the day. you would have been shot for those thoughts and your family would have had hardships beyond belief had you tried to leave the one of those countries (or any country under some regeim).

all i am saying is appreciate the things that have been given to you that we all take advantage of; never forget where you came from. this advice will make your experiences all the more better then the resentment i am seeing from your statement.

Last edited by Cassie at Nov 23 2003, 10:31 PM

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