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Old 11-23-2003   #47
Payserve SUX
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Originally posted by [Labret]@Nov 23 2003, 02:58 PM

Real life uh? What might that be? Slow financial and emotional suicide with a wife and kids?

I live a dream life. I have met very few people who would not kill to be in my position. Young, rich, and highly educated... with no wife and kids dragging me down.

wow.................that sentiment............difficult to adress.
The best descision I ever made was to be 'dragged down' by my wife and my kids. I happen to think that Einstein, Newton, Sagan & Hawking are the brightest minds in a field I laughingly have a lot of interest in. (laughable because intellectually I am not fit to polish their shoes). They have inspired me throughout my life. Caused me to comprehend things that blow my mind whenever I pause to think of them. Quantum Foam??? Singularities??? Amazing. I am in awe
yet I wouldnt trade an hour with my family for a lifetime with any of those great men (forget that they were/are socially challenged egotists, Brilliant, but assholes none the less. Well the noteable exception of Sagan, he was a nice guy but I digress
Family breeds a full happiness and contentment that I fear you wont experience, or will too late, when you too old to have fun with your son rough housing around, or beating the shit out of your daughters date hah hah Just kidding there.

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