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Old 11-23-2003   #77
Join Date: Sep 2003
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Originally posted by spazlabz@Nov 23 2003, 09:05 AM

real life has taught me that education of any value is NOT learned in school bro. School is for the paper, the paper is for the job. You can challenge yourself and learn a lot more by NOT going to school, and thats truth.
I worked for Honda of America Manufacturing in East Liberty oHIo, we have a problem that required an engineer to design and build a special lift for us. I was put in charge of making sure it would perform the job as required. I am NOT an engineer. Wen they showed me the prototype, I tested it, fiddled around with it and promptly told him (the engineer) that it MIGHT work, but it would be slow. At 53 cars per minute off the end of the line, speed was/is a major issue. He said "it can facilitate 1500 units per shift." I said something like he was fucking crazy, he said he could prove it, I said do it, and he showed me a fucking piece of paper
a piec e of fucking paper
this was his proof..................... Stupid fuck. I and an entire assembly line (the engine line) proved him wrong, he even actually tried it and damn near killed himself.
Experience teaches better than any book or professor.

I see the point you are trying to make, and it is applicable when it comes to engineering and mind numbing shit like that.

I am a sociologist with a background in anthropology. My subject matter is people. Everytime I leave the house I deal with my subject matter. Just simply "living" I tackle the subject matter. I travel and deal with different cultures. Anthropology, sociology, and archaeology all come into play. I cannot think any other way. A blessing and a curse.
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