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Old 11-17-2003   #159
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 1,066

TeenGodFather, I don't hate you....yet!

Little Grasshopper, you will learn that I have a FAN CLUB that follows me around the internet. The secret is: never get on the bad side of a life-long cracker criminal...especially one who has social engineered his way through life since birth.

My path is as clear as the crystal ball on my desk. Art Bell's guest told us that we will soon be killed by aliens and there is no God. We are like ants on a huge spinning globe and every move we make is directed by those on another planet, probably Venus.

Just enjoy the ride and don't let the small stuff bother you. What is said on porn boards is a crock of shit.

SQUIRT --- that is why nobody gives a shit about solidarity or helping the porn business improve and stay strong. Aliens don't like PORN!
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