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Old 11-17-2003   #158
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 266

Originally posted by confucy@Nov 17 2003, 02:46 PM
No, Darci, you don't bother me one bit. People are back to posting about old Mitnick bullshit, that is why I continue. Fuck! I'm an expert on the crackers of the world. Why wouldn't I continue as long as people egg me on.

You would never admit to the truth in a million years if it made you or Mitnick look bad. You will lie until you are in your grave. Mitnick expects that blind social engineering commitment from all his girlfriends/gofers.

Think about this, geeky. Has Mitnick ever had one relationship where he didn't put his GF to work helping him? Never! It's part of the package. If you want to be part of Mitnick's perpetual 15 minutes of fame, you must do as he says...when he says, or hit the highway! He believes so much that he is someone special (regardless of 20 years in prison & probation) that you MUST do it the MITNICK WAY.

Do you remember Bo Derek and her husband John Derek? He was something like 20 years older, and he told her how to dress, how to act, what movies to make, how to ride a horse, how to RIDE HIM! She was not her own person. Well, Miss Geeky, that is the case with you. You are here to keep an eye on Miss Confucy. Leave now while you have a little pride. Fighting with me will wear you down and make you look foolish. As I have said many you want all the kids in your daughter's school to know that you hang out on a porn board? Idiots from this board will be calling her school just like they have called my relative's homes and left threats. Protect yourself and your family. Find a nice G-rated board and forget me and porn.

This advice is free to you, geeky, just like the banner advice you gave me.
No one has called your family, except in your mind. No one would waste the time, not even us. What do I care what the school thinks about me hanging out on an adult webmaster board? Unlike you, I do not crave drama. If people don't like me for something stupid like that, then who the fuck needs them? Besides, this is LAS VEGAS. Many of the parents work in the adult industry.

You know nothing about the relationship between Kevin and me, but you feel yourself qualified to make these kinds of statements. To give you some peace, let me assure you that is not the way things are done in this household. I am my own person, and Kevin doesn't wouldn't even TRY to control me. Maybe the women you talked to in your imagination were docile, complacent wallflowers? Bring your ass to Vegas, then you can see how I am pushing 40. I haven't even celebrated my 35th yet. Your FCC license information says you were born 9/1/62, which would make you 42. Lying on a federal document? Tsk! Tsk! We all know that you're really 62, though.

What is your obsession with the ears? I haven't worn them in over a year. I worked in TELEVISION, it was a gimmick to entertain viewers. You're an idiot. So far, the only one who is looking foolish and getting worn down, is you. I already said it, I'm not leaving. I think it is time to adjust your dosage, and stay the hell away from me.
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