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Old 11-17-2003   #148
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 266

Originally posted by confucy@Nov 17 2003, 02:15 PM
The bottom line is: If you want me to shut up about Darci Woods and Kevin Mitnick, then stop bringing them up. Darci, stop assuming that every comment I make is about you.

The truth is, I don't give a fuck about you. You just stepped into the picture to defend your cracker boyfriend. I think you have a *thing* for Lew Payne. You continue to bring up his name. Did he turn you down? Is that why you keep attacking him? Grow up! Get dressed and get out into the hot Las Vegas air and visit a casino. If anyone ever needed a break from computers, it is you. Maybe you will meet the other Kevin hacker and get a good fuck. I hear he is clean and very good in bed. Your Kevin puts computers before sex. Didn't his ex-girlfriends and ex-wife Bonnie tell you that? After a while, the dick goes down and only reappears when a virus hits the internet.

Crackers never change. They just become more obsessed.
I wouldn't waste the saliva to spit on that no-good, backstabbing snitch and bastard. Even if I wanted one (which I don't), I wouldn't even try a shot at Lewis, he only picks up Kevin's leftovers. So, I wouldn't have a chance unless I left Kevin. His ex-girlfriends have told me a much different story than you have.

You made reference to me in this thread, like you always do. Like Carrie said, "velvet cloaked daggers are still daggers." You say you don't give a fuck about me? Then why have you been writing all this garbage about me for the past year, trying desperately to get through to my site every time I have blocked you, and scrounging up every piece of information on us that you can?

I initially came here to see what kind of bullshit you were up to, but after reading everyone's posts, I began to grow fond of several people here. That is why I have stayed. What really bothers you, is that we don't give a fuck about you. I enjoy humiliating you, because you make it so easy.
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