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Old 11-17-2003   #101
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 266

Originally posted by confucy@Nov 17 2003, 11:17 AM
Geeky, thought you were sick. Wouldn't your family be concerned if they knew you were wasting your time away on a porn board? Wouldn't your daugher wonder why mommy is looking at naked pics on a porn board and hanging out with a fat slob named Gonzo?

Do you think I would give the ham's true name, Darci? Unlike you and your BF, I believe in keeping personal information off boards of all kinds. You would think that after all those years of KM's info being spread all over the place, that he would respect other's privacy.

Now, go back to your blog...take your meds, and stay away from big infected cocks. How do you think you got that cyst on your cervix? Unsafe sex. Of course, being that your BF was in prison for all those years his entire life wouldn't have anything to do with growths and blood transmitted diseases, now would it?????

I have tried to play nice with you because it isn't you who lied to me and backstabbed me, but you are the current love interest in KM's life, and each and every one of his girlfriend's has taken on the role of his protector. How much does he pay you for your services? I would charge him $50,000 for this latest cyst problem.
You are so transparent. Each time you get caught in a lie, you resort to the same kind of attacks, regardless of who it is. Just like you started in on Peaches on this thread about hating men, you try and deflect away from the subject of your own lies. Wasn't Roscoe, Lewis Depayne's hacker handle? Since he was partners with Kevin, and engaged in the same activities, does that make him a cracker, too? My God, you are so predictable.

The cyst was not on my cervix, but I anticpated that from you. What is so wrong with this board? If it so bad, why are you here? You look down on all these people, yet you aspire to be one of them. As far as Gonzo goes, I like him. You don't like him, Peaches, Carrie or myself, because we have all caught you in numerous lies. Again, I like it here, and I'm not going anywhere. You should take the advice given to you the other night, and leave us alone.

You have never tried to play nice with me. This is more libelous stuff, just like everything else you have written here. I am not his protector, Jackie, I am his girlfriend. Someone who cares about him, and won't let you just sit there and keep lying about him. Why do you keep this up? No one here believes you. Do you think that is going to change?
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