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Old 11-15-2003   #24
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 132

Originally posted by Peaches@Nov 15 2003, 06:28 PM
Quite frankly I think how long you've been in this industry matters a great deal.

For instance, the programs I sell are either older programs or those owned by people who have been in the business for quite some time. I personally wouldn't sell a product from someone who is recently on the scene - there's too much BS out there.

And as I was saying to Wig today (whose kid, BTW, is even cuter in person ), I've never screwed anyone over since 1996 (and even as far back as 1993 from the audiotext days), I've never cheated anyone and I've never broken any sponsor's rules. As a result, I've built up a level of trust in this business. This will come in VERY handy when I set in motion my diabolical plan to screw everyone over at once and move to Wyoming. :P

We old timers have seen the scams come and go, we've heard "the sky is falling" about 10 times, and we know who to trust and who to smile to and walk away from.

I'm not saying that those new in the industry can't build up that same information and reputation, but it's not easily obtained these days.
"I'm not saying that those new in the industry can't build up that same information and reputation, but it's not easily obtained these days."

yeah well.... there ya go! Nothing worthwhile is easy anyway... but the amount of effort one has to put forth nowdays is unrealistic. There is too much noise in our industry and unless anything new comes up consider this thread closed as far as I'm concerned.
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