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Old 11-15-2003   #23
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 132

Originally posted by Carrie@Nov 15 2003, 05:55 PM
Squirt, you've been around for a while. You just recently got into the boards and networking and such.
It could be said that you're just as responsible, since you didn't bother to speak up until the shit got thick. A year ago, two years ago, you weren't trying to help out or get anything organized... you were keeping to yourself.

My point is, this can be looked at a lot of different ways, and there's no use pointing the finger. Honestly, what good is it doing you? It's getting you pissed, it's probably going to get some other people pissed, and these could be folks that could do worlds of good helping your business grow.

We should stop trying to lay the blame for the past, and instead work *forward*.

Listen Carrie.. I respect you and you are a gem!

"Squirt, you've been around for a while. You just recently got into the boards and networking and such.
It could be said that you're just as responsible, since you didn't bother to speak up until the shit got thick."

Well you know Carrie.. to be honest.. before the whole Visa thing happened.. when I first started in adult.. I went to a few resource boards at first glance I thought it was just a bunch of advertising and people peddling for business. I thought online adult was just a bunch of mom and pops making their way.. only to find later that a lot of "big guys" control a lot of the industry.. and are even today trying to patent our industry as a way of control for the future (not acacia). So no.. I didn't step up and try to change things.. and you know something.. when my face was plastered all over television regarding my court case and my son possibly being taken away because of my website the industry didn't reach out to me! I didn't get emails from fellow webmasters in our industry supporting me. Strangers on the street stopped me and gave me their support, people subscribed to my site and emailed support.. but ZERO from my industry!

"It's getting you pissed, it's probably going to get some other people pissed, and these could be folks that could do worlds of good helping your business grow." Are you serious? Yeah I see the big guys lining up to take guys like me in to make them more successful.. NOT! I have found a few gems.. and those people know where I'm coming from when I post. I always try and make myself clear. If people are pissed so be it. Maybe they will try to change things as well? As I stated above... I didn't get support from my industry before.. why would it happen now? It wont.

And in the end what does it all matter anyway? In the big picture this is all trivial.. and when it comes down to it.. I'm a part of an industry that I'm liking less and less every day. But I love what I do. I like having my sites and filming porn. I really like people watching what I create and paying me to do so.

Last edited by Squirt at Nov 15 2003, 06:51 PM
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