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Old 11-15-2003   #9
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 132

Originally posted by Carrie@Nov 15 2003, 04:38 PM
They tried, a few times.
But getting 10 webmasters to agree on where to have dinner takes 3 hours and ends up with people being pissed off... imagine trying to get 30 of them to agree on some basic industry standards.
Mission Impossible.
Yeah well you know it's amazing that the reigns of the internet had been pulled in my WWC ... the whole internet! We couldn't get a few old timers to band together so things make sense here?

The person I originally went to when entering the industry (he doesn't post on boards) is a great example. Everything you expect in a business. From his example I thought the shallow back stabbing every man for himself image our industry had was false.. or greatly exagerated. Man am I glad to find a gem here and there because they are hard to find here I'm telling you! And seeing people gloat about how long they've been around in this mess is a joke. Gloat about the possitive things you've done here not the number of years you've existed in this sewer.
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