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Old 11-15-2003   #1
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 132

After reading the thread I was somewhat taken back by how proud some were that they've been in the industry for so many years. Seems they were almost gloating at the fact they've been in this business a long time.

I've been in adult since 2000 .. but in the end.. how long you stay in business is no reflection on how successful you are. Your ability to innovate and adapt is much more important then how long you've been in the biz.

Kind of like a kid saying "I'm older then you are so I know better." We all know that's most often not always the case.

Looking at the current state of our industry I'd almost be ashamed to say I was an old timer. Where are the leaders? A sense of proffesional community? Seems like a lot of the old timers are struggling, like most others. Worse yet.. the old timers crawl under a rock and leave everyone else scurrying for cover when things get tough.

I've seen more new people to the industry working their asses off to make a difference then I have the old timers. What old timer example did Hustler give to our industry? I wont name more names ... but I'm sure you can fill in the blanks.

Being an old timer today means you contributed to the way things currenlty are and lack the leadership to make possitive changes in our industry. If you didn't.... things would be different in our industry today. No offense but old timers.. and leaders in other industries ( mainstream entertainment for example ) have used their knowledge to better the industry. I could go on but I wont.

Some will say it's nobodies responsibility to do anything possitive in our industry..... it is what it is. Porn will always be around regardless of how fucked up and disjointed our industry is. They say elders are the glue that holds a community together.... well not in adult... every man for himself here thanks to our elders. So what makes old timers special in our industry? Why should you get a medal for sticking around so long and creating such a mess?
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