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Old 11-09-2003   #33
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 339

Originally posted by Carrie@Nov 8 2003, 09:46 PM
I was there when you were doing a total character assassination on Sabby over at AmateurMasters. It was completely out of line and uncalled for - you gave her no more respect than you would a piece of trash, simply because she performs on cam. 12Clicks ripped you a new one in that thread, as did Sabby herself.
You lost all respect from me in that thread - which I'm sure doesn't matter to you but up to that point I thought you were just an egomaniac who really knew his stuff about photography. That thread convinced me that you are an egomaniac who knows his stuff about photography and absolutely nothing else about the online aspect of this business nor the people in it, and that you don't deserve anyone's respect if for nothing else than you refuse to hand any out yourself.

Besides, anyone who uses the term "trailer trash" to make themselves seem better off than someone else really needs to be smacked in the head a few times with a 2x4.
Sabby deserved it and it was not because she was a webcam girl. Do your homework. 12 clicks was incapable of ripping anyone a new asshole. Do your homework. Anyone who would even consider using a what did you call it a "2X4"? is probably trailer trash. A term I don't need to use to set myself apart from anyone. It is generally recognized what trailer trash is. Now who the heck are you?
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