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Old 11-04-2003   #147
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Originally posted by Carrie@Nov 4 2003, 10:21 AM
Okay guys, forgive me if I'm mixed up here, but isn't Grogan 20?
And isn't the age of majority 18?
Hence, he is not underage, correct?

Now, being 20, he is not yet old enough to drink legally, but he *is* an adult, and the last I knew (it might be different now) you were allowed on the casino floors if you were 18 and were *not* drinking alcohol.

I do want to clear this up because my partner may be bringing his 19yr old girlfriend with him to Vegas if he attends and we were under the impression that she would be allowed on the casino floors and most definitely into the convention.
From what I remember when I was checking on bringing my kid, under 21's aren't allowed in the casinos. They might not say anything if you're standing on the floor, but sitting down and especially WINNING will get your ID checked.

They will check ID at the floor and issue a different bracelet for those over 18 and under 21.

Many of the sponsors don't want under 21's at the parties since there's no way to regulate the booze and serving to under 21's is big trouble.

And of course, pissing people off, having a fake ID and telling people about is just tantamount to painting a bullseye on your forehead.
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