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Old 10-19-2003   #746
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 6

Originally posted by confucy@Oct 18 2003, 10:21 AM

Why don't you give Serge a little history about Mike Foster, resident psycho of 147.435, who jams on the output, attacks non-stop, has a potty mouth on air, and sells out to the highest bidder in a second.

Hey Mike! Do you like my gun avatar?

Mike is a gun nut and owns machine guns, and every kind of gun known to man.
Confusedsy, the Beretta 92s is a nice "girly" gun. My Avitar is a picture of what is down the back of my pants. As for selling out to the highest bidder, jesus thats what capitalism is all about babydoll. Anyways enough about you, lets talk about me, I got my nickname in Da Nang for being the first army ranger in history to shoot down the helcopter I was riding in and hitting another chopper on the ground about to take off. I fell out of the door during takeoff and grabbed the handles of the .50 browning turning the gun 180 degrees in the door and fell out, that wasnt bad, however pulling myself up into the doorway caused my webbing to get caught on the firing lever. The rest is history (how many people do you know that got a purple heart, a medal of honor from the North Vietnamese Army for being a ace (shooting down two american choppers) and a less than honorable discharge on the same mission? My friends say I am afraid of women, (what a joke, I am only afraid of helocopters and pungi sticks) And that little cumdumpster called me potty mouthed? Isnt that libel? Or am I thinking Imbel ya know with the gear logo? The voices in my head told me to go clean my guns. Where can I get hoppes # 9 this early on a sunday?
When in doubt, bust a 30 round clip in their ass.
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