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Old 10-18-2003   #741
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 6

Originally posted by Serge_Oprano@Oct 13 2003, 10:29 AM
what would it take for you to stop it right now and right here?

wouldn't you like to get her out of your hairs for the rest of your life and concentrate on other better things?

You have one heck of a woman with you,
c'mon, let's ALL stop, back off and live happily years after?

I'm trying to get confucy's commitments as we speak,
"Let's give peace a chance
Serge, ask Kevin about me, machinegunmike. We are old ham radio enemies. I live in the area this "woman" confucy resides and have observed her activities over the last decade. I have seen her do atrocities to other people and myself. For example, made phone calls to my wife at the time telling her that I was cheating on her. (I was, but it wasnt confucys fucking business) causing me personally to end a 25 year marriage. She did the same thing to another ham, Mark Ross. Divorced because of this sick woman. She inmerses herself in other peoples business in order to fullfill some need deep inside her. My unsolicited advice is, don't let her get ANYTHING on you, she will use it against you. On the ham radio boards, she bashes the shit out of Serge. To sum it all up, she is fucked from the neck up and there is nothing you can do but move out of the way. And screw you Kevin. Hope the weather is nice.
When in doubt, bust a 30 round clip in their ass.
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