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Old 10-16-2003   #21
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Originally posted by Serge_Oprano@Oct 16 2003, 10:14 AM
it's all confucy's fault you ended up with Oprano,
he phoned me and begged us to take you...
I think she is in love, BIG TIME!
Shes an evil bitch! I guess she figures with me being busy I wont have time to continue with the crusade. Forest says I have to do the damn dishes at dinner now.

Thanks for all the well wishes.

Im not a paid poster...I think Nick is the one that used to pay people to post ... wonder if they got paid in doughnuts?
I havent been made an asshole yet but Im working on it. I can only aspire.

Edd-- Ill make spambot my bitch! Does it travel to Marina Del Rey? Better install a camera in it. Rumor has it theres going to be a photo op in small claims court soon!

In the meantime...if you want to send Serge your money for some advertising just let me know. If you have any suggestions lets try them out.
Any complaints? Post em on Lee Noga's...

I hope to expand the reach of the family in the near future to crush those that stand in the way of amking money. Ive got some ideas on how to increase the community feel to enourage you not to surf anywhere but Oprano.

We also want to bring in some new blood to the family. So Ill be trolling some of them other resources for promising individuals to add to the ranks here. Besides Serge needs some new ones to work his charm on!
Mike assures me that we have lots of free shit to give away...more to come on that shortly.

I want to encourage everyone to interact and use the board to network! Serge loves to play matchmaker just make sure you pay his usual brokerage fee.

I look forward to working closer with all of you to unite and overcome the challenges that await this industry.
We are putting the bastards of this world on notice; greed and corruption will always be met with "a voice made of ink and rage."
"Never try and be like anyone else" - Hunter S. Thompson
"The truth is the truth no matter how you try and package a lie" - Shellee Hale
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