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Old 10-14-2003   #734
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 291

Seems that all the topics are locked...

Regarding the question if we believe Kevin over Confucy..

Had to say this ....

Sorry Confucy....

you personally said that YOU helped Mitnick while he was in jail ...

Isn't a little funny to ask people who to believe now ?

A convicted criminal ? What does that make you ?

I personally think you are a Star Fucker ! You just got the hots for our famous hacker here and even send him a Radio while he was in jail and you helped him Remember ? YOUR WORDS not ours !

Kevin is free now did his time why don't you just leave him alone ?

It seems to me that you are obsessed with him !!!

and you made such a secret out of yourself , wanted us to believe you are pretty, a very self dependant woman, a writer even once you told us you were a presenter on TV...

Common now - your game is over just exept the fact you GOT what you asked for !

you are FAMOUS on the boards and the subject of the day !

Now how does it feel to be famous baby ?

enjoy the attention while it last !

And Evan from Xpays had such a good sentence for you :

be nice to the people on your way up because the same people you meet on your way down !

Welcome to the real world Jacky !!!
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