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Old 10-13-2003   #19
Join Date: Nov 2002
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Originally posted by Sharpie@Oct 13 2003, 08:52 AM
I have avoided this thread for a long time, but when it got so big - curoisity got the best of me. It was like reading a book - wish I had waited for the movie. I don't find it actually very amusing. (but then Confucy has never attacked me). There has been so much sadness in the community lately, with depression, death and serious accidents; I guess now we have to add obbsession. Obsession with Minnick, and obsession with bringing down Confucy. This has provided Oprano with a lot of page views, but other than that - I just see a lot of venting and nothing much constructive. I find the whole thing very sad and a waste of valuable time, in a time when we need to be concentrating on the serious business problems that concern each and every one of us. Hate and intense anger ... destroys. But then, I guess chatboards allow a lot of release of that anger - so maybe some of this thread has been therapy......
Good point.

Let's all sit around the campfire and hold hands and sing Kumbaya (or however the hell it's spelled) and share and talk about our feelings and shit.

Call us when the shuttle lands, Sharpie.

Buff -- Mr. Sensitivity

Last edited by Buff at Oct 13 2003, 09:05 AM
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