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Old 10-13-2003   #676
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 1,066

Kevin, you so conveniently change the subject when I bring up all the shit you did which was illegal. What about your uncle? What about Wozniak? What about the Judge? What about the Jack Biello letters to Randolph? What about you possessing a radio which was illegal to own? What about buying phone time each and every day? HOW ABOUT ANSWERING THOSE QUESTIONS, SHITNICK!

I found attorneys for you. I found reporters for you. I found writers for you. I got extra features on my phones so I could do the 3-way stuff. I got voice mail so I wouldn't miss any calls that were coming for you. You asked me to make calls for you. You asked me to connect you with your family when you knew it might be embarrassing for your family members to accept collect calls while at work. You keep going back to that damn Kevin Poulsen article. It was the only time that I ever allowed myself to be quoted. Poulsen's exact words to me were: "Kimberly, you don't have to protect Kevin any longer. He will be out in two days." He asked me about your ham radio license. I told him how important it was to you. I bet you don't jump down Poulsen's neck about the article. Jesus, Kevin, Poulsen established his writing career by doing articles about you, and he would never have gotten the details for those articles if he hadn't dealt with me. He was still on probation when I met him and you were in jail. He couldn't accept your collect calls at that time. I was your messenger.

When Jack Biello threatened to sue me because his name was mentioned on your mailing list, you said nothing. After all those years of taking care of you, you did not say one word to that asshole for insulting and threatening me. I knew where I stood with you. Look at all those calls I made for you to Jack and to Jack after hours to relay information to him from you. I was your eyes and ears. You write it off so easily as though I did nothing.

The only time I got excited about a person I met because of you was the female attorney in Robert Shapiro's office. She wanted to take the case. I gave her my Littman and Markoff books so she could read about you. Shapiro said he wasn't interested because you didn't have any money. I was disappointed. I like Shapiro.

The rest of the time I did the work nobody else wanted to do. I spent thousands of dollars on CourtLink to help you because nobody else wanted to spend the time or money. What didn't I do for you, Kevin? What more could I have done?

What if I had told you my name was Mary Smith and that I was in a wheel chair and I had no car and that I was 70 years old. Would you have turned down my help? Fuck no! I have been called Kim, Kimmie, Kimberly, Jackie, Jacqueline, and Jack. That doesn't mean I am these other people. Jacqueline is my middle name and it has nothing to do with my aunt. I was named after a grandmother. When I was a child, my relatives loved my granny so much that when she died, they called me Jackie. I preferred the name, Kim. That is what you called me, and you didn't know who called me that name. It wasn't important, and still isn't important. What is important is the way I treated you. We never had a fight. We had some disagreements.

One time while talking to Jon Littman the writer of "The Fugitive Game," I slipped and said something about Uncle Mitchell. Littman mentioned it to you, and you immediately called and jumped all over me. I apologized for slipping up. From the way Littman was talking, I thought he knew about Uncle Mitchell. I was so careful not to say anthing that you had told me in private. The one exception was Lewis. You told me I could tell Lewis about your talks with attorneys and keep him up-to-date. In return, Lewis told me what was happening with his side of the case, and I informed you each day. You called Lewis at work from the attorney's room. You called me and I 3-wayed Lewis into you so the two of you could discuss your case. Lewis never betrayed you. Lewis never worked with the government. Lewis helped you as much as he could and you never thanked him. Never! You bitched and moaned and whinned and bitched some more. Do you think it was enjoyable for me to put up with your moods? Do you think it was fun for me to deal with your depression, your medical problems, and your asshole friends who were really not friends?

I have notes of every one of our conversations. I was a *blog* expert before your Darci even knew what the word BLOG meant. Kevin, you started the mud slinging. After all we went through, you owed me a phone call and a cup of coffee. You used me up until the day you were released. Once the prison doors swung open, you left your past behind and I was part of it. That's fine. But you didn't just shut the door, you told everyone I was a backstabber. I never told the latimes about you buying phone time. It was brought up on your mailing list, and I wasn't the one who said it. Once it was in the open, it was public knowledge. Your buddy Jack Biello was the first person I saw who was talking about it. Jack was using a phony name. I was not anonymous. I was out front and everyone knew who I was. What did it get me but a whole lot of grief. I took all the attacks and all the negative crap because I was your voice. When you didn't like something on your website, you called me and asked me to make changes. Everyone kicked my ass for being so particular when I was only following your wishes.

You are way off base, Kevin. You are a huge pain in the ass to work with. I made excuses for you daily because I couldn't imagine what it must be like to be in prison. All you can do now is pick at every little thing I say. There are certain people reading your words who know the truth. They know that you are covering your tracks and bullshitting to the point of no return. I promised Lewis I wouldn't mention his name, but I have to say this, Kevin. Lewis was the best damn friend you have ever had. You have no idea how lucky you were to have him on your side. He was found guilty of making one lousy phone call to a company in Florida. How many times did you and I call companies, attorneys, bookstores, and courts and pretend like we were somebody else? Constantly! How many people reading this thread can say they have never called someone and pretended to be someone else.

Did any of you get house arrest for six months or longer? Did any of you have to pay restitution and be placed on supervised release for three years? Did any of you have to do hours and hours of community service work? Did any of you lose your right to own firearms or lose your right to vote? Did any of you have to put up hundreds of thousands of dollars in bail? Did any of you have to pay thousands of dollars to an attorney to defend you? Did any of you have to go to court over and over to face a judge who had already made up her mind about your case, to your detriment?

Your friend, Kevin, went through all this bullshit because he was your friend and wanted to help you. What the fuck did you ever do for your friend except call him a government informant and a backstabber?

You don't deserve any friends. You don't deserve to have anybody show up for your seminars. You don't deserve to live in the same house with that cute little daughter of Darci's. The poor thing is being brainwashed by you. She will grow up thinking that it is okay to hack. It is okay to go on ham radio and call people vile names. It is okay to lie and cheat. It is okay to have mommy living with an asshole in her home. It is okay to violate laws and ruin people's lives by violating the law and creating atmospheres where people are being harassed by angry hackers.

You are one sick fuck, Kevin Mitnick. I have the right to read articles on the internet and write my thoughts in the *comments* section. I have the right to send email to writers who have been social engineered by you and inform them of the truth. You call it libel. Prove it! I'll take my Mitnick comments from the boards and my radio tapes and depositions from your relatives, hams, attorneys, and friends, and you take your fraudulent crap and we will see who the Judge believes.

So, I'm wordy. I have a lot to say. Take my Beretta and shoot me in the foot!

Good night, asshole!
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