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Old 10-13-2003   #670
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 19

Have you told these lies so many times, that you actually believe them?

My relatives accepted collect calls from me, and there are records to back all this up. You did three-way calls in for me in regards to my legal representation and media, but you did this all willingly. Since you brought it up, let me tell you again why I cut you off with no hesitation.

You were the one who went to the LA Times and told them that I was trading the adult magazines you sent me in exchange for phone time. This got me into a lot of hot water with the prison officials, and landed me in solitary confinement. Afterwards, I told you that you could not go to the media in the future with information from our conversations. There were other times, too, and I warned you that if you ever did this again, I would never speak to you. Remember, you started crying and pleading with me not to do this. You promised it would never happen again. Then you went to Kevin Poulsen and gave an interview announcing that I was scrambling to renew my FCC license. They called it into question based on this article, and I had to spend $20K defending myself in this action. Their supposed reason for coming after my license was my 1995 conviction. However, Lewis was convicted of the the same charges, and yet his license was not ever questioned. If someone hadn't brought media attention to me, mine probably would have never been put under investigation. This is when I decided to not have any more contact with you in the future. That, and the fact that you were aiding Lewis at my detriment.

ZDNET Article about license

The only reason you even tried to be my friend, was to get an "in" into the media and to bring a little spotlight on yourself. You loved the attention, just like you love the negative attention you bring on yourself here and on other boards. You thrive on it. Last year, you were most annoyed that I did not acknowledge you or Depayne in my book.

Why would I acknowledge you? With friends like you, who needs enemies? You may have convinced yourself that Lewis did not cooperate with the government against me to get a reduced sentence in his plea agreement, but that is a lie. The DOJ even posts this on their website. He did it, and you know it. I did not cooperate with the government at all, that is why I spent five years in prison. What other hacker (besides Poulsen) has ever spent that much time in jail? You can say whatever you want about me, but even if it is all true (which is not), there is no denying that I got screwed by the government and my civil rights were grossly violated. I am not saying I didn't do anything wrong, I did, and deserved to be punished. However, not to the extent that I was.

During the entire time I was a fugitive, I worked regular jobs under aliases I created from dead people's social security numbers. I never stole credit cards, not was I charged or convicted of this. This is another one of your libelous statements that will come up later. You said I ran because I was afraid of solitary confinement, you are correct. I had just spent almost nine months straight in solitary confinement, based on a fictional account by the prosecutor to the judge, that said I could launch nuclear missiles by whistling into a telephone. What's your longitude and latitude in Marina Del Rey?

The bottom line, is that you are so pissed off because I won't have anything to do with you, and this your revenge. You follow any story about me, write reporters defaming me, posting comments that are full of lies and hate, and harass my family and friends. I would take the advice of many on this board, and get over it. There will never be a time, when you will ever receive any good will from me.

You have left me no alternative, but to seek legal action to stop you from this continued harassment and stalking of me. No one came to your defense here, Jackie. I think those actions (or non-actions) speak louder than words.

As far as the multiple identities, everything I have said is the truth. If you don't believe me, check the birth records and call Indiana University. You will not find a Kimberly Tracey, only Jacqueline Barley/Lacey. She is nothing but a fraud. Remember when you used to three-way in your computer friend, David, who lived in your building? Why did he always answer, "Hi Jackie." Can you explain why he would call you Jackie, if you were Kimberly. Don't even try to say you go by your middle name, or that you and your aunt sound alike. No one is buying it.

If anyone can prove me wrong on this, and show that Kimberly Tracey and Jacqueline Barley/Lacey are not the same person, I will pay $1,000 cash for the proof. I will decide if that proof is adequate and legitimate, once it is presented to me.

Thank you for your time and support here today. I hope that this has cleared up some things for you. At minimum, I hope it was entertaining. I will keep you abreast of pending legal actions and court dates, so that you may attend, if you would like. Please be sure your digital cameras are charged.
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