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Old 10-13-2003   #663
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 1,066

Kevin, you are the one who gave me all the numbers of your relatives. Why? Because they didn't want to accept your collect calls, so you called me and asked me to three-way each and every relative so they wouldn't have to pay a cent. Your relatives all adored me until you got out of prison. You told all of them not to talk to me. Didn't they ask why? Sure they did, and several still talk to me because I helped you and I helped them.

You, Kevin, are a lying bag of snot! You can do your little dance and try to social engineer everyone till the shit hits the fan, but all my friends who helped you when I asked them for help, and all the hams who gave money to your Defense Fund when I begged them to help *poor Kevin*...they all know the truth.

You are a sick joke. Your attorneys know the truth, but they are just glad you are gone and they don't have to deal with your badgering and collect calls.

You know who I am. You know my name. When you are in a corner, what do you do...what does anyone do? Fight like hell! Lie like hell! Try to talk their way out of a very bad situation. I know you so well, Kevin.

Hey Peaches, of course you would think there was a little sex or hanky panky going on. JOKE! All Kevin wanted was a messenger and CASH. He got it anyway he could. Along came cashcow Kimberly, and Mitnick felt he had hit the lottery. Whatever he wanted, he got. I was Mitnick's angel. What did I get out of it? Well, I met some very interesting people and some real scumbags. I learned a lot about law. I felt like I was doing something important to help a ham/hacker person who was in need of some assistance. Kevin, there were some very funny times. Randolph and his rainy day phobia. Emmanuel taking pictures across the street. Reporters who got their interviews by sending me questions which I asked you on the phone for their articles. A lot of good people who wanted to help. A lot of social engineering to reach Robert Shapiro and other attorneys. The long radio trip from Westwood to the Marina to the valley to Las Vegas to the valley again and finally to MDC to another inmate, and eventually to you. What a journey. Mitchell on his new powerful computer and his OE periods. I do remember the fun times. How could you allow it all to go to hell?

I never did a thing to hurt you. You treat people like toilet paper. I don't think you will ever change. I fought the editor at Salon magazine when he said you were guilty. I spent time on the internet defending you for years. I notified the media when you ended up in solitary confinement for hoarding all those cans of tuna and pepsi. I was in touch with supporters in South America. I talked about you to the hams. I hooked you up on the phone with my buddy, Frank, who made sure I got all the valley articles about you which we mailed to you.

And all you can say is that I have a hundred different names, and I lied about what car I drive, and I forged my ham papers. You knew me as Kimberly all those years. Everyone knew me as Kimberly. Why, because I am Kimberly! I know you are scared. I know you think I'm out to get you. Not true. I just want an apology. You use to have a best friend who believed in you. He defended you. He never ratted you out. He gave more to you than you will ever know. You killed that friendship. Let me tell you, Kevin, that you were damn lucky to have that friend. You will never find one who will do more for you and stick by you, right or wrong. Someday you will realize what a mess you made of your life by destroying the friendships you had. We are here today and ZAP! Gone tomorrow.

Make sure you can look in the mirror each day. Take a long hard look. You can't treat people like they don't exist when they have been by your side through thick and thin. Uncle Mitchell loved you. You owe the man lots of money. You have cut him off from his family. He was there when you needed him. Not just one time, but daily. Now he needs help. Why are you refusing to help him? He's not my uncle. He's your father's brother. He needs your help. Sure, change the subject and tell everyone I am harassing your family. I never harassed anyone in your life. I got your approval for everything I did or said. You asked me to be your messenger. You asked me to call the very people you now say that I conspired with. We were all helping you. You were paranoid then, and you are even more paranoid now. As Kimmy is known for saying when she has nothing else to contribute...TAKE YOUR MEDS!
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