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Old 10-12-2003   #626
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 19

Originally posted by confucy@Oct 12 2003, 07:11 PM
Well, Kevin, I just left a message on your grandmother's machine. I told her that you refuse to help Mitchell and I told her the family should check on him. No, I won't be giving out your grandmother's phone number or listing her address. She is a nice lady. You have drained and drained her for years. You are not worthy to be her grandson.
I just heard your message to my grandmother. I have notified all of my family members to not speak with you, and any further calls from you will be considered harassment. They do not wish to receive any more calls from you, now, or in the future.

A billing record is generated each time you call, and I will have those records subpeonaed as well.

Does everyone see how derranged this person is? If you want to help Uncle Mitchell, then send him the money. Like you said, there is a reason he hasn't contacted me directly, because of a circumstance that he has not shared with you. My number hasn't changed. He has it. His daughter also lives very close to him, and if it was an emergency, he would have contacted her.

I am not going to discuss my family business here. We are still waiting for your explanation to my first post. None of your other questions will be answered until you address the questions about your fraudulent identities. I am being very generous by giving you an opportunity to come clean. If you would prefer to do this the hard way, we can do this in court where everyone will show up to watch. Either way, you will be exposed. The choice is yours.
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