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Old 10-12-2003   #593
Eternal Newbie
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Originally posted by confucy@Oct 12 2003, 09:40 PM
Peaches, Kimmy, and Carrie, I'm sad to say that I have never encountered such cold ball breakers as the three of you.
Perhaps you'll think of that the next time you decide to viciously attack someone for no reason whatsoever and end up burning every bridge you could have erected.

I am actually one of the biggest-hearted people you will ever know, Jacqueline. I tried many times to call a truce with you and be civil to you. I *tried* to turn the other cheek. You wouldn't have any of it.
You did your best to construct and spread lies about me and ruin both my reputation and any chance I had at doing business in this industry. There are plenty of people who have met *me* in person in this industry Confucy, and they'll tell you that I am exactly off the boards what I am on the boards, and that I'm one hell of a good person and a trustworthy friend who will stand by your side through thick and thin for years.

You had your chance. You threw it away in exchange for the little scraps of attention you could get by board pissing and spreading lies.
And not only have you done this with me, you've also done it with KimmyKim and with Peaches. You've done it with Serge and LadyLaw as well and believe me, Serge doesn't forget. He is simply tolerating you because your attention whoring brings pageviews for his advertisers. You're nothing more than a dog doing tricks and making money for its master as far as this board is concerned.

So lie there in that bed you made, and enjoy it. I told you a long time ago that what comes around, goes around - times 3. Looks like your name finally moved up to the top of Karma's list.
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