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Old 10-12-2003   #592
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 1,066

Carrie, you don't have to worry about my asking a nothing like you for help. You can't be trusted. That is why you like Kevin. You are both snitches. You and Kevin have openly admitted that you turned on people. What can be worse in this world? I wrote my letter to the FCC because of Mitnick's harassment. My family didn't understand why phonelines were being cut and hate notices were being stuck on the cars.

All I can say, is that I'm at peace with myself. I may be a foolish nutcase on some of the boards, but what I say is true when it comes to Carrie and Kevin. They are control freaks, and both do a song and a dance around the truth. Kevin knows that his life would have been a dim place if I hadn't befriended him and helped him. I did something good for another human being. I can live with myself. Kevin can't. He is afraid that if he writes or calls me, I will use the email to hurt him or tape our conversations. He made a big mistake by screaming at me on ham radio daily when I wasn't there to defend myself. He knows he is wrong, but Kevin only understands hate. He is such a liar and a cheat that he assumes everyone around him is out to get him.

Uncle Mitchell does not have a number for Kevin. Kevin told his relatives not to take calls from his uncle. I don't know what the problemis are, but it doesn't matter. Kevin owes his uncle thousands of dollars, and now his uncle needs $300 tomorrow to save his car. I have helped Mitchell in the past, and now it is time for Kevin to step into the picture and do the right thing.

End of subject. Kevin, you have 75 minutes to call Uncle Mitchell.
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