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Old 10-12-2003   #560
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 1,066

KC, if you were a tight ass lying piece of shit cracker, would you bother to pay back your loans? Would you bother to call an uncle who needs help and money? Well, you might, but Kevin hasn't paid one cent back to anyone who helped him.

He owes Uncle Mitchell at least, $10,000. Kevin told his Uncle not to bother him months ago. In fact, want to know how really low Mitnick is? He refused to put on his deceased father's headstone a nice little, loving Uncle Mitchell notation. Finally Kevin gave in and changed the writing on the stone. He didn't want to include his father's brother's name. Kevin must be in control.

When Kevin got out of prison, he wanted to live in Las Vegas near his mother and grandmother because he thought he might need money and assistance, and he thought the probation department might be more flexible. As it turned out, the Las Vegas Probation people told Kevin things he didn't want to hear so he got scared and got permission to move into his father's condo in the Los Angeles area. He had told me his father was a flaky bastard and never gave him any money for his defense fund and that he didn't want to see his father again. As soon as Kevin needed help, he started social engineering his father and moved in with him.

The father got very sick and Kevin said he was taking care of him. What bullshit. Kevin has never taken care of anyone...ever! He wanted to get sympathy from the hams. It was all lies. Kevin is all bullshit. He treated his father like shit. He was nice to Uncle Mitchell because he was doing everything Kevin asked him to do. I believe that Kevin was indirectly responsbile for Uncle Mitchell going to prison.

Write it down, Kevin. Take it to court. You have been libeled again. I don't say anything unless I can back it up. You know that, scumbag, and that is why you won't be going to an attorney to sue me. You can't sue for the truth when it is coming from an innocent party who is being stalked and attacked by a loser cracker like Kevin Mitnick.

I have fought the big guns like Rob Gould at and many other scumbags. I am a winner, FAT FELON FUCK.

If you don't call Uncle Mitchell by 10 p.m. PST, tonight, then I will contact your relatives and tell them that he needs help and you are refusing to help him. No bluff, Kevin. Make the call!
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