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Old 10-12-2003   #558
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 19

Originally posted by confucy@Oct 12 2003, 05:58 PM
You are a piece of shit. Anyone who goes around giving out personal information about family members is the lowest piece of scum on earth. I asked Uncle Mitchell's permission. You stole my telephone bills, and you invaded my computer and hacked your way through my life, and you are doing everything you can to hurt me. You have been doing it for years. If the people reading your posts don't see your cruel side, then God forgive them because you have no ethics. You have no morals. I don't have to contact any of your old friends to discover the truth about you. One by one they call me and tell me more dirt about you. You are sick. You will pay for all your hate and your threats.

My family and I backed you. We kept you alive while you were in prison. Your family has been covering your sick ass your entire life. Did you think about them and their welfare when you were chicken shit running away from the FBI for years? Your excuse: Oh, I was afraid they were going to put me in solitary confinement! Well, by God, you deserved to go to San Quenton. You had an easy ride. You stole and you cheated, and now you are threatening and doing your little hacker/cracker dance trying to convince us you are innocent and I am a big bad stalker.

Let's just say that I am everything you say I am. Then prove I have libeled, slandered, and stalked you? You better get your proof together fast, because anybody could have posted shit on the internet and said it was me. It happened on Oprano and it happened on GFY and Netpond. Prove all your bullshit. You can't. You think I will back down. You think I will apologize to you! Not in a million years.

Oprano, do you hear me..........not in a million trillion years will this FAT FELON FUCK get an apology from me.

I wonder what the statute of limitations is for harassing the Judge's attorney husband. I wonder how Marianna would feel if she knew that while you were in prison, you were calling her husband's law office. NOT FUNNY! This is the kind of shit you pulled daily. I was your pawn. You did the same thing to Steve Wozniak. You are a sick fuck!
Newsflash. The attorney husband died. Hanging up on someone when a mistake was made, is not harassment.

Thank you for proving my case with the above statement. On Lee Noga's board, you posted that you were proud to be Kimberly Jacqueline Tracey, under this name confucy. Do you think that I won't request a subpeona for these IP logs and then one from your ISP to tie it all together? Besides, you have given enough information to prove that you are the person I have said you are, and proving that Jacqueline Ann Barley and Jacqueline Ann Lacey are all one and the same, won't be hard.

That information is old and was posted last year on the Dreambooks by some supporters who were tired of you stalking me. This information is easy to get through public records. You give out way too much info on these boards about your family.

You try to shift the attention away from yourself by attacking others, because if you didn't, then you would have to face what a pathetic loser you are. I am still waiting for you to answer to the original post.
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