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Old 10-12-2003   #549
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 19

Originally posted by confucy@Oct 12 2003, 05:19 PM
The FCC will not be very happy with you posting my private letter to them. I asked that my letter remain private. They goofed. They were supposed to black out the private parts. I will give FAT FELON FUCK a little credit on this one. He told his attorney to get a copy, or maybe the Ventura Probation Officer gave Mitnick a copy. Whatever the case, what I say is true. Go ahead and post the tapes that went with the document. I don't give a damn. MY CRY IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE: THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE.

I'm tired of hiding. I want some justice. FAT FELON FUCK is a social engineering disease. He is sick. Don't believe me? Ask John Markoff from the nytimes. Kevin has been libeling and slandering that poor guy for years. Markoff just ignores Mitnick. That is what I was told to do, but I'm having too much fun watching this cracker bastard squirm.

See you in court, Kevin, but I may be filing my lawsuit in The Superior Court tomorrow. Let's see who gets served first. NA NA NA NA NA

Tell Darci and her daughter to lock all the doors and hide from the process servers.
You will be filing that in the State of Nevada, right? Is Clark licensed to practice in Nevada? I am filing my paperwork in Los Angeles this week, right after I make the calls to the IRS, DA and FCC. The problem here is that you are bluffing. Why don't you go ask Lewis if I am?

I can't believe all the people that downloaded the FCC letter. It is all lies, and relatively easy to prove, as I should be able to get affidavits from the people that actually did all the work you claimed credit for. I am still on good terms with all of them.

Your posts are just more lies and everyone sees through you. Call Uncle Mitchell into court. Funny how he needs this help and never called and asked. You did remind him about that little talk he had with my lawyer, right? If you're so concerned for him, send him the money. You make tons of money off all the porn sites you run with your partners, right?

If I am squirming, why are you the one begging me to call you? So you can beg forgiveness in private? I don't think I'm the one running scared here. More deflection, Jacqueline. Should I post Betty and Jim's info here for everyone to call and verify your identity themselves? You are posting my relatives information. Your brother and sisters addresses and phone numbers are public in the white pages. I won't even bother posting them, go to and search for a Harold Hankins in Bluffton, IN and Jim Barley in Scottsburg, IN. I read the Dreambook last year, too.
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