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Old 10-12-2003   #394
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 19

Originally posted by confucy@Oct 12 2003, 07:51 AM
Serge, the first Phantom I saw was Michael Crawford. He was excellent.

Many have recorded the music, but one of my favorites singing, "All I Ask," is Barbra Streisand. She swears she will never do another public performance unless it is something small and private to raise money for a political candidate or a charity. Great voice!

The reason Mitnick can't pay Oprano a visit is because he can't fight the truth. He is going around the world making speeches about security, and in particular, identity fraud. How will he explain giving out information about me and others which leaves a person wide open to losing his/her identity. If he were unemployed and didn't care about his newfound business reputation, he would be all over me. He sends out his goonsquad to try to scare me into silence. He owes money to his Uncle Mitchell, his mother, Reba (his grandmother), Lewis De Payne, Alex Kasper (his partner), his deceased father, his aunt (the bailsbond lady), his attorneys, and a long list of people who supported him for years. He is the most ungrateful selfish person I have ever known. It will take until the end of this year for me to cleanse myself from his evilness.
Well, Jacqueline, here I am. I want to thank those that wrote me and showed me the garbage that this obsessed, crazed, psycho stalker has been writing here. I got several good laughs this morning.

There is so much bullshit, that I don't even know where to start. Out of the people you list, I owe money only to my grandmother, and that is being taken care of. Maybe you could call and verify with the rest of the people, like you did when you called and socially engineered my grandmother a couple of years ago, under the guise of being one of my friends. Or maybe you should contact the reporters you send your garbage to every time a story is written about me. You're so stupid, that you would put your trust into a reporter? I have a nice stack of forwarded e-mails from reporters, television and radio stations, that they received from you.

I haven't spoken to you in over four years, because you stabbed me in the back and went to the press with information I gave you, as well as giving my defense information over to Lewis DePayne and his lawyer. For those that are unaware, Lewis did work with the government and cooperated against me as part of his plea agreement, in order to receive a reduced sentence and home detention. Want to verify it yourself? Go to the Department of Justice site and search for their press release stating they received his full cooperation.

You should watch how you throw around those threats of lawsuits, because one is coming your way. I have until January to file for that letter full of lies you wrote to the FCC and FBI. You did not help set up the defense fund, you did not help register, Lew did not help setup web sites, my grandmother has verified he never contibuted to my defense fund, and we only had contact for at best, 3 1/2 years, not 5. The way I figure it, you owe me about $20K for the trouble your big mouth caused me with my FCC license.

Not only did you lie about who you were, you age, your lifestyle, the kind of car you drove, basically everything, in order to extract information from me to insure that I wasn't cooperating against Lewis. You are still lying to everyone else here, because you're a pathological liar. Your real name is Jacqueline Ann Barley, you were born to Pauline and Ted Barley on 9/8/1941 (62 years old) in Marion,IN. You have two brothers named Jim and Bill, and a sister named Betty. Since they have publicly listed addresses and phone numbers, they should be easy to reach if someone wants to verify this info. Funny thing is, you claim to be Jackie's niece, but also born in Marion, but neither Jim, Bill, or Betty have a daughter named Kim. The Bureau of Vital Statistics has no record of a Kimberly J. Tracey born on 9/1/62 in Marion or anywhere else in the U.S., and there weren't any other Kimberlys born that day in Marion. Your attorney, Clark Garen, helps you in your identity theft to pursue legal actions under false names. Besides Jacqueline Barley and Kimberly Tracey, you also go under Jacqueline Ann Lacey (thanks to our sources at Indiana University). I wonder if any of these have separate social security numbers that were obtained through fraudulent misrepresentations, which will make you a FAT FELON FUCK soon enough. I'm sure when I call the IRS on Monday to launch an invesitigation into your identity theft, we will see who gets the last laugh. Along with getting a ham radio license under a false name, and signing the FCC document under the penalty of perjury. That should add a few years onto your identity fraud sentence.

All you do is sit behind the computer, lie about taking trips and harass people all day long via the computer. According to our sources at Kingwood, you rarely show your fat self outside your apartment. You haven't taken your fat ass out of that chair in years, you probably can't even fit through the door any more. Your old Toyota Celica (license plate #4EWV552) hasn't run in years, and you do not have a Jaguar like you claim. What is there about you that is true?

People everywhere hate you and each has compiled their own little information, and now we are all coming together, so that we may sue you for liable, slander, harassment and other damages you have caused us all, and force you to appear in court. If anyone else is interested in filing suit, she lives at 4143 Via Marina, #418, Marina Del Rey, Ca 90292. Her phone numbers are (310)821-0300 and (310)306-5261. This was the information she gave me while I was in custody, and I am under no obligation to keep this information private. If you continue your harassment of me and my family, I am going to expose more information that you would rather keep private.

The ball is in your court.

You should never wrestle with a pig, you'll just get dirty and the pig will like it.

Fuck you,

Kevin Mitnick
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